Illustrated Stories I Fall to

 Super Secret | LINE Webtoon The boy next door, friends for life, is actually a werewolf! 

Lately fall in love with this Line Webtoon comic, Super Secret. The sweet storyline, soft and cute artwork style stole my attention. What a cute boy Ryan is, haha.

Looking at the stories, I bet the author is in the generation which read Harry Potter , Naruto and Twilight. But he/she is so great that he/she is inspired by many other famous fiction stories but manages to make his/her own good and unique. Love this very much.

I've read all the 70 chapters so far and can't wait for the next issue!

I am that kind of reserved person, for some cases I do enjoy having my own sanctuary, a very wide personal space. Having it destroyed by unwanted interference made me feel like a mess, oh man, I regret opening up, I need to create another self-shelter.


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